Homeopathic mesotherapy, Lipolytic homeopathich mesotherapy,
Anti-flab mesotherapeutic homeopathy.
In the first place, speaking of Homeopathic Mesotherapy
is something that fills me with pride. It is, of course, the result of
many years of evolution, of many mistakes and, therefore, of many hours
of work, which in the end, as always, bear fruit and enable us to keep
on working with a certain guarantee of safety and effectiveness, which
up until now we did not enjoy.
When we started out on our career using the Mesotherapeutic
technique (which now amounts to over fifteen years’ experience of
using same) we found ourselves forced to employ allopathic medicines,
which were available to us at that time, as a conventional therapeutic
arsenal. At scientific meetings and conferences, we learned of new formulae
and active principles that we subsequently tried out and added to our
own private Mesotherapeutic vademecum. Paradoxically, at all of the Mesotherapy
fora we made special efforts in providing our mesotherapeutic technique
with the greatest degree of safety possible, and this could only be achieved
by insisting that all of the medicines to be used for this method of administration
were to comply with the “Criteria for Use”, which we referred
to in due detail in an earlier chapter. Nevertheless, the sad truth is
that the medicines that were available to us back then seldom complied
with aforesaid criteria, consequently, along with the unquestionable successes
we had with our treatments, we had to face up to a large number of problems
in our surgeries as a result of side effects provoked by the medicines
that we were using. These side effects brought with them another unfortunate
consequence, namely, the discrediting to which Mesotherapy became subject,
both with respect to fellow doctors, who deemed it to be an unsafe technique
and to be very risky, as well as the general female population, (we must
not lose sight of the fact that Mesotherapy was mainly used in cosmetic
treatments), who did not trust a technique which could have undesirable
side effects.
These circumstances, which I will not go so far as to
qualify as critical, but which were worrying, coincided with the appearance
of the first injectable homeopathic medicines. At first, they had been
designed as single strains (formed by only one compound), which I personally
began to use in my Aesthetic Medicine surgery. After many attempts and
different combinations, little by little, homeopathic formulations were
being designed, which finally came to constitute my therapeutic arsenal
in Mesotherapy. I managed to achieve the same results with these as I
did with conventional allopathic medicines, but with the added advantage
of the complete absence of side effects.
This is due to a single premise, which to my way of thinking
is fundamental, and that is that homeopathic injectable medicines comply
with the “10 Criteria for Use” of any medicine to be administered
1.- All injectable homeopathic products
are hydrosoluble.
They are always isotonic water solutions.
2.- All injectable homeopathic products
are Isotonic.
There is no chance whatsoever of damage to tissue
by means of ionic disorders or osmolarity conflicts.
3.- All injectable homeopathic products
are Perfectly tolerated by the tissues:
Absence of Nodules.
Absence of local necrosis.
They cannot provoke titrate lysis.
They cannot produce abscesses.
4.- All injectable homeopathic products
are completely integrated into the tissue.
They do not contain protean molecules.
They do not generate antibodies.
They have no antigenic power.
5.- No injectable homeopathic product
can provoke either allergies or hypersensitivities.
There are no molecules that can explain an allergic
or hypersensitive reaction.
6.- No injectable homeopathic product
ever uses oily vehicles.
There is no chance whatsoever of polyolic thrombosis.
7.- All injectable homeopathic products
are perfectly compatible with each other.
Always the same pH.
They do not precipitate among each other.
They devoid of opalescence and iridescence.
Complete miscibility among each other.
8.- No injectable homeopathic product
can provoke either interactions or antagonisms between each
No homeopathic product can annul or cancel the effects
of another.
9.- Homeopathic injectable products
can possess a perfect synergism of their constituent components.
We can prepare mixtures with products that boost each
10.- Acknowledged efficacy.
30 million users in Europe.
Recognition from the European Parliament.
Inclusion in Public Health Systems.
Therefore, we are dealing here with combining maximum
safety with a zero possibility of undesirable effects. Consequently, we
endow our technique with all of the possible guarantees that all medical
actions must possess: effectiveness and safety.
There is an unquestionable statistical reality which
reveals to us that 95% of Mesotherapy sessions are carried out within
the context of the Aesthetic Medicine Surgery, or in pain relief treatments.
Within the scope of these treatments, the combinations that are formulated
are seeking an anti-cellulitic, a lipolytic or an analgesic – anti-inflammatory
effect. As a result, when it comes to doing research into standardised
homeopathic mixtures, our initial focus was to meet the main needs that
arose from our Aesthetic Medicine Surgery. This is how the homeopathic
formulae that I currently use most often, and which many fellow colleagues
use in their surgeries, came about.
Before concentrating in greater detail on the mesotherapeutic
treatment of cellulitis, we need to review the multi-aetiological character
of this pathology. We referred to this in Chapter 6, and here I only wish
to reiterate the fact that there are always multiple factors involved
in the appearance of cellulitis (endocrinal, genetic, enzymatic, dietetic,
toxic, vascular, etc.). On account of the multi-aetiological character
of the problem, I am still unable to understand the obsession that many
seem to have with treating the cellulitis solely with lipolytic products
(we mentioned these in the chapter on Mesotherapy), while overlooking
the rest of the factors that help to provoke it. If there is a fatty component,
and I might add that the majority of the cases that we are presented with
in our surgeries present a cellulitis with an associated fatty component,
we do not worry ourselves overly about this circumstance. Fortunately,
we have a homeopathic product that will act as a lipolytic (Metabolites),
we simply add it to the mixture, and the problem is solved. Notwithstanding,
that is not to say that we are going to solve the lipolytic problem solely
by means of the lipolytic agent.
Whenever I want to treat an area with a cellulitic component,
I use a product called LIPODISTROFIN, and if we read the composition of
the aforesaid carefully, as well as the detailed indications of each one
of these components we will understand why:
Peripheral circulatory disorders.
Damage to the connective tissue.
Circulatory disorders.
Collagen disease.
Adipose – genital dystrophy.
Favours oxidisation processes.
Stimulation of the connective tissue.
Peripheral circulation disorders.
Vascular spasms.
Circulatory collapse.
Peripheral circulation regulation.
Lymphatic regulation.
Peripheral circulatory disorders.
Stimulation of capillary functions.
Tiredness in the legs.
Circulatory weakness.
Blood purification.
Liver disorders.
Nervous exhaustion.
Neurovegetative syndrome.
Menopausal trouble.
Venous congestion.
Connective tissue detoxication.
Pre-menstrual tension. |
Dosage and frequency:
The maximum dosage I use per session is 4 cc (two ampoules). I make 3-4mm-deep papules, covering as much of the affected area as I can. If this area is very big, I leave a greater space between one and the other papule, but as a norm, I do not use a larger number of ampoules.
The frequency and number of sessions is quite a random matter, and although it is a question very often asked in meetings, I always give the same answer: it depends on the intensity of the process, of the medical criterion and, why hide the fact, on the patient’s possibilities. In the interests of proposing a guideline, we can say that the norm would be as follows: 4 to 6 sessions a week, 4 to 6 sessions every fortnight, and very importantly, the holding of “maintenance sessions” once a month for about 4 to 6 months.
If, in addition to the cellulitic component, there is a fatty component, something which we come across quite frequently, I mix a LIPODISTROFIN ampoule with a METABOLITES one, thus I manage to provide an anti-cellulitic and a lipolytic treatment in the same session.
“VASCULAR AXES” technique
This is an extremely easy technique to perform, and it is one which perfectly complements anti-cellulitic treatment with mesotherapy. It is used when there is a large component of venous return insufficiency. Moreover, it complements the phytotherapeutic and the physiotherapeutic treatments that we will be using to treat the varicose problem, whether or not there is any cellulitis trouble .
It consists of making small papules with a LIPODISTROFIN
ampoule along the whole length of both saphena veins, from the groin down
to the distal area at the ankle malleoli.
I use just one ampoule per session, and the result is
often surprising, giving the fact that it cures the varicose symptomatology
practically immediately. On the other hand, when the circulatory pathology
co-exists with the cellulitic problem, combining this technique with the
normal mesotherapeutic sessions, is going to enable us to speed up the
treatment, and see results much sooner. Notwithstanding, the simple decrease
in the vascular symptoms suffices in itself to justify its use.
As we have already commented, whenever we need to activate
or increase the general lipolytic level of the body, or when we wish to
focus on specific areas of the accumulation of fats, we use a homeopathic
complex called METABOLITES.
It is composed of the following:
Graphites D 10, D 30, D 200
Levothyroxine D 12
Fucus Vesiculosus D 6
Adenosine – 5´- triphosphate dinatrium salt
(ATP) D 8
3´, 5´- Adenosine – Hydrogenphosphate
(AMP c) D 6
Acid 3, 5, 3´- Triyodothyroacetic acid D 6, D 8.
At a general level, METABOLITES works on the tendency
of the organism to adiposis and fatty accumulations. At a peripheral level,
it acts on the intra-adipocyte lipolytic cascade supporting the energy
consumer systems, increasing lipolytic enzyme production (triglyceride
- lipases) and favouring the activation of cyclic AMP, stimulating its
synthesis and inhibiting its degrading enzymes, the phosphodiesterase.
METABOLITES is a homeopathic product indicated as an
adjuvant to treat obesity in all the manners that it might manifest itself
(general, localised, either predominantly male or female, etc.), as well
as in the most common dyslipidemias that normally accompany the obesity
problem: Hypercholesterolemia, Hypertriglyceridemia, Hyperlipidemia, etc.
In the following diagram, we can observe the levels at
which the different METABOLITES components operate:
We can see how we act on practically all of the key points
of the lipolytic cascade, either by potentiating or boosting factors,
or by impeding the degradation of same.
Dosage and frequency:
The guidelines to be followed with respect to dosage
are similar to those we mentioned when dealing with LIPODISTROFIN.
If we are treating localised obesities I use 2 ampoules of METABOLITES
per Mesotherapeutic session, beginning with one session a week for 4 to
6 sessions, and then following up with fortnightly sessions. This is quite
an open recommendation, in the sense that it is going to depend a great
deal on the characteristics of the patient to be treated and of the fatty
volume that we are treating. Quite often, weekly Mesotherapeutic sessions
are held for up to three months. As I have already intimated, it is quite
a random matter. Nevertheless, what I am consistent in doing is only having
one Mesotherapeutic session a week.
In cases of severe obesity, I supplement the Mesotherapy
with a weekly intake of two METABOLITES, either before
breakfast and dissolved in some water, or dissolved in a large glass of
water to be drunk throughout the course of the morning.
It is quite important to clearly recognise the fact that
METABOLITES is not an "Anti-cellulitic", given
that it does not act on any of its determining factors. Notwithstanding,
it must be used in combination with LIPODISTROFIN in
those cases of cellulitis with fatty accumulations in the same area.
I wish to present you with a study (the first one carried out on a worldwide level), which has been carried out in accordancw wtih all of the strictest scientific criteria, and which can boast of containing all the necessary guarantees of scientific rigour and impartiality.
Therapeutic effectiveness and subchronic oral toxicity
of the homeopathic product known as Metabolites® in Wistar rats.Department
of Toxicology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Zaragoza,
Zaragoza, Spain.
Authors: Morales R., Villalobos A and Baguer
The homeopathic test substance Metabolites® (Fucus
vesiculosus, D6; Graphites, D10, D30, D200; Levothyroxine, D12; ATP, D8;
AMP, D6; Tiratricol (D.C.I.), D10, D12)
Control group: 14 Wistar rats
Treated group: 14 Wistar rats, to which an ampoule (2cc) of the homeopathic
preparation known as Metabolites is administered in the water being drunk
by same, on a daily basis for 27 weeks.
Duration of the study: 33 weeks
“Ad libitum” feeding and identical conditions
as far as temperature, humidity, lighting and handling conditions are
concerned with respect to both groups.
Anthropometric tests
Complete analytic tests, including hormonal analyses
Complete anatamopathological study on finishing the study
Assessment of abdominal fat
Assessment of muscle infiltrated fat
Assessment of total fat, protein, and ash percentages
In the treated group:
Evident loss of weight (Lipolytic effect) (Chart 1)
Decrease of muscle infiltrated fat (Chart 2)
Decrease of abdominal fat percentage (Chart 3)
Decrease of total fat and increase in the protean percentage
(Chart 4)
In both groups:
Analytical signs in line with normal values
Anatomopathological study without changes
Lipolytic effect demonstrated
Total absence of side effects
Absence of placebo effect
Complete absence of toxicity
It is extremely important to stress, with respect to
the results, apart from the effects revealed, the question of the “absence
of a placebo”, given that obviously there can be no placebo if we
are dealing with animals. This is a feature of the test that can be used
from now on to refute the accusations made by “official” sectors
against the Medicine. Such groups have tried to run down and disparage
Homeopathy by claiming that if it does cure patients, it merely does so
because of the placebo effect.
A problem we face everyday in our Aesthetic Medicine
clinics or surgeries is the treatment of so-called “flabby”
cellulitis. We tackle aesthetic problems produced by the localised accumulation
of fat with lipolytic Mesotherapy treatments, and in the same way as cellulitis,
that is to say, by means of microcirculatory active products. Notwithstanding,
against the problem of flabbiness our therapeutic strategies are implemented
by the use of apparatus that activates muscular functioning, or by recommending
that our patients do certain exercises to potentiate particular muscles.
However, the reality is that at the moment, we have no specific product
that we can combine with our conventional anti-cellulitic treatment which
would truly help to improve the quality of the muscle groups that are
affected by this problem. Furthermore, I consider the use of anabolic
steroids, both ethically and legally to be wholly unacceptable for this
Another essential problem is, I feel, how to “objectively
measure” the results achieved in our regular patients, without having
to inevitably resort to a one’s “subjective” opinion
of same. For this very reason, when it comes to planning an anti-flab
treatment that can be recorded accurately, objectively and which can be
“measured”, we have resorted to a population group in which
the parameters concerned with strength gain, mass, resistance, and muscular
quality can be used as a measure of comparison with the aesthetic problems
related to flabbiness that we come across in our daily consultations,
given that the end purpose, that is to say, an increase in muscular quality,
is the same.
The experiment group is made up of 32 male athletes with
ages ranging from 22 to 37. These individuals have been practising body-building
since they were at least 4 years old, all following more or less the same
training programs and using the same techniques. The following tests were
carried out after 6 weeks and at the end of the study, that is to say,
in the 12th week: Body Mass Index and Weight, Lean Body Mass Index , Measurement
test of “pure strength” and Measurement test of “Resistance
strength”. Over the course of the twelve-week study, all the athletes
followed a standard diet of 3000 Kcal., distributed in not less that five
mealtimes or intake times a day. They took 6 SIMILDIET AMINO ACID
capsules a day as a diet supplement. These were distributed over three
intakes of two capsules, along with two BORONEGRA pills
(vitamin, mineral, anti-oxidant and essential fatty acid supplement) at
breakfast and two with the midday meal. We treated 16 athletes with a
homeopathic preparation called MUSCLEBIG. This was in
the form of an ampoule, injected intra-muscularly 3 days a week, while
the second group did not receive any such treatment, given that it was
considered to be the experiment control group.
The homeopathic preparation comes in injectable ampoules,
which can also be taken orally. They are composed of all of the biocatalysers
and Krebs Cycle intermediate substances, such as stimulants and activators
of the mitochondrial enzymatic functions, as well as the homeopathic components
that intervene in the correct development of the striated muscle, states
of fatigue and adynamia, states of exhaustion, suprarenal glandular regulation,
the stimulation of the muscular protean synthesis and of the connective
The results confirm an increase of the Body Mass Index
in the group treated, a statistically significant increase of the Lean
Mass Index and a decrease in the Body Fat Mass with respect to the group
that did not receive the treatment. As far as the results obtained in
the strength assessment test are concerned, we observe an important increase
in the “Resistance Strength” tests in the athletes treated,
which could demonstrate a modulating stimulant in the intermediate links
of the Krebs cycle in aerobic activities in which the correct functioning
of the cellular respiratory mechanisms constitute the main limiting factor
in the optimum response of the athlete.
This overall improvement of the muscular quality, made
objective by means of the aforementioned study, is what we are finding
subjectively in our daily treatments of flabbiness accompanied by cellulitic
problems or localised obesities, which we are systematically treating
with homeopathic mesotherapy.
Our standard action protocols are, in the cases of flabby
cellulitis, a weekly session of mesotherapy, mixing a MUSCLEBIG
ampoule with a LIPODISTROFIN one in the same syringe,
and if we need some lipolytic action we add a METABOLITES
ampoule to the mixture (given the fact that they are homeopathic preparations
and thus display perfect mutual compatibility). The concept of the homeopathic
product, by its very definition, assures us of the total absence of side
effects or contraindications. We always practice mesotherapy after a muscular
stimulation session with excitomotory currents. We recommend that our
patients do some complementary exercise (Gym exercises, Aerobics, Cycling,
Swimming, etc.) two or three times a week, and we prescribe the taking
of 60 drops of MUSCLEBIG – ORAL, dissolved in a
finger measure of water, every day, if possible before breakfast, or before
taking the exercise.
The results that we are obtaining can be qualified as extremely satisfactory
and extremely gratifying as far as or patients are concerned, given that,
thanks to the homeopathic stimulus, they obtain assessable results from
their exercise much quicker and with less effort. On the other hand, it
is important to stress the fact that we have not come up with any type
of collateral side effect, nor with any intolerance in any of the patients
that were treated, as we expected of course, given that we are dealing
with a homeopathic product, or mixture of several homeopathic products.