2. ANTIOXIDANTS, VITAMINS AND MINERALS 4. HOMEOPATHIC ANABOLIC ACTION 8. MUSCLE DEFINITION AND ANTI-OEDEMAS 10. MUSCLE FATIGUE, INFLAMMATION, ACCIDENTS, INJURIES AND TRAUMA The warm-up is an essential and common technique prior to commencing any sports activity. The development and intensity of a warm-up depend on the type of sport, intensity of the same, atmospheric conditions and the degree of preparation of the individual sportsman. If we seek to obtain maximum body response to the effort that we wish to subject our body, we must first adapt it, starting up a series of mechanisms to prepare the heart, muscle, circulatory, nervous and respiratory systems to the growing demands that will be required of them, so that they it turn are able to respond with maximum efficacy. Effects and benefits of a proper warm-up:
Considering that our goal as therapists is to optimise sportsmen's performance to a maximum, and to minimise the risk of injuries, we must always demand strict fulfilment of the warm-up period prior to training or competition, and systematically facilitate this warm-up process with assistance provided by modern-day phytotherapy. A few minutes before starting to warm-up, or even just before a competition, our sportsmen apply a small amount of a preparation based on medicinal plants, called CONDROGEL, in a gentle circular massage to the joints and muscle groups that are going to be worked at maximum intensity. The composition and properties of its components are as follows: HARPAGOPHYTI: Highly potent analgesic, anti-inflammatory
and de-contracturant. As you will see, it has a complex composition, resulting in immediate therapeutic activity, perfectly meeting all the preventive and curative needs of the majority of localised problems that sports exercise may cause. It penetrates in full, is tolerated by all, does not have any undesired side effects, and does not cause positive doping tests.
ANTIOXIDANTS: VITAMINS AND MINERALS. Free radicals are molecules or fragments of molecules that are highly reactive and unstable. They contain an odd number of electrons in their outer shell. The aggressiveness of radicals lies in the fact that their outer shell, which causes the chemical reactions, has single electrons that try to pair up with other electrons, intervening in other reactions, particularly in reactions that produce transfers of charges, such as in the case of oxidations. Apart from the aggressive factors to which our bodies are subjected (UVB and UVA rays, ozone, pollutants, etc.), our metabolism produces a large number of aggressive factors too. Oxygen is a relatively labile molecule. Its ultimate goal in cellular respiratory metabolism is to be reduced to water, but in this process other highly reactive molecules are also formed: Superoxide Radical, Hydroperoxide Radical and above all, the Hydroxyl Radical, with its extremely high oxidative power. This shows that the greater the cellular consumption of oxygen, higher is the probability of formation of free radicals derived from oxygen, and, therefore, greater are the harmful effects on cells. Sport in general, and high intensity sports in particular, imply an intensification of the body's oxidative reactions, the majority of which provide the energy required in muscular contractions, which is why a great number of free radicals are produced in muscle cells. The damaging effects of these free radicals are principally focused on proteins, unsaturated lipids and nucleic acids (DNA and RNA). The biggest culprit of all these radicals, and the most damaging, as commented above, is the hydroxyl radical, which produces peroxidation and subsequent chemical modification of its nitrogenated bases. In proteins, it produces oxidation of the sulfhydryl groups, converting them into disulfur groups. And in lipids, it attacks the unsaturated fatty acids of the phospholipids, and other components of the cell membranes, forming hydroperoxides that end up altering the selective permeability of cell membranes. Furthermore, the hydroperoxides that are formed, and their split products are potent enzymatic inhibitors which end up altering cell biochemistry. ANTIOXIDANTS AND ANTI-FREE RADICALS: All living beings have several natural antioxidant systems that can be classified as either enzymatics or non-enzymatics. Enzymatic antioxidant systems consist of several enzymes, the purpose of which is to catalyse the successive degradation of the free radicals, making them into less aggressive chemical structures. Amongst others, the following enzymes are of significance: Catalases, Glutathione Peroxidases and Superoxide Dismutases, and their levels depend on the individual body that synthesizes them. The non-enzymatic antioxidant systems are principally composed of a group of three vitamins: Vitamin C, Vitamin E and Beta-carotene, and two fundamental trace elements: Selenium and Zinc. Since they are not synthesized in the body, their levels of effectiveness depend on the balance between natural intake and supplements that we provide. Selenium has antioxidant properties, it neutralises free radicals, is an immunostimulant and is anti-inflammatory. Its action is based on the fact that it forms part of the enzyme glutathione peroxidase, and it has an inhibitive action on the accumulation of cell mutations, accumulation of errors in protein synthesis, and prevents peroxidation in the bi-layers of cell membranes and other lipids involved in metabolic functions. Zinc forms part of one of the two isoenzymes that make up superoxide dismutases, enzymes that the body uses to neutralise free radicals. It has anti-infectious properties and accelerates cell mitosis, which is why it aids and accelerates wound healing. Vitamins C, E and Beta-carotene deserve more in-depth study, since the result of possible ignorance of their intimately related mechanism of action, has been a multitude of attempts in antioxidant and anti-aging treatment using just one or two of these vitamins, which have not only been totally disappointing, but have also aggravated patients' clinical conditions. The authors of a study effected in England investigated how vitamins E, C and Beta-carotenes work as a real team in order to eliminate free radicals. Dr. T. George Truscott and his team at Keele University (GB) explain the process of this chain work: First, vitamin E reacts with the free radicals, making them less offensive. But this reaction converts the vitamin itself into a harmful radical. Then the Beta-carotenes deactivate the vitamin E radicals, in turn producing carotenoid radicals that are also harmful. Finally vitamin C repairs the resulting carotenoid radicals by making them water soluble, and eliminating them through urine. The lack of knowledge of this intimate mechanism of action explains the disconcerting and disappointing results obtained in studies effected at different universities in contrast with others in which a correct association of vitamins has been used in antioxidant treatment. For example, a study performed on smokers had to be stopped when it was observed that when only Beta-carotenes were administrated as an antioxidant, the incidence of lung cancer increased. When Beta-carotenes are administrated without vitamins C and E, the carotenoid radicals cannot be eliminated, thus increasing the number of free radicals in the body. Based upon these fundamental premises, we recommend our sportsmen to take a product called BORONAGRA, designed by Laboratorios Simildiet. Its composition is as follows: Evening Primrose, Eleutherococcus, Plant cellulose, Calcium Glycerophosphate, Yeast cultured in Selenium medium, Iron Gluconate, Vitamin C, Zinc Sulphate, Vitamin E, Magnesium Stearate, Nicotinamide, Vit. B6, Beta-carotene, Boron and Vit. D3. As you can see, it contains the necessary vitamins and trace elements, in a perfect combination, in order to assure correct antioxidant and anti-free radical treatment. It is also supplemented with Evening Primrose, which guarantees a nutritional contribution of essential polyunsaturated fatty acids which are essential in keeping cytoplasmatic membranes in a good state, and ensuring a correct balance between cholesterol fractions (increasing HDL cholesterol and reducing atherogenic risks) and Eleutherococcus which is fundamental for sportsmen because of its de-stressful, de-fatigating and energising effects to help combat fatigue. It contains other vitamins and trace elements that ensure optimum functioning of muscle structures, preventing deficiency factors derived from organic stress suffered by the sportsman. The recommended dosage of BORONAGRA is 3 to 4 tablets per day, divided into breakfast and lunchtime doses. It has no contraindications or side effects and is perfectly compatible with any other drug or nutritional supplement. It does not cause positive doping tests.
All athletes and keen sportsmen, particularly in periods approaching competitions, must guard against possible deficiencies of active principles by supplementing with suitable nutritional preparations. This is particularly important if they are on strict diets that may lack important elements, in order to ensure correct power, resistance, muscle quality and even their general health. Amino acids are organic compounds that have an amino radical NH2 and a carboxyl radical COOH in their structure. It is not surprising that some sportsmen suffer from deficient amino acid production or intake, either as a result of unsuitable diets or paradoxically as a result of excess protein consumption concentrated in one enormous sole dose (the human body cannot synthesise more than 20 to 25 grams of protein at one time), leading to the kidneys secreting a large quantity of amino acids in the urine, implying a loss of muscle mass. Functions of amino acids: 1. Synthesis of structural proteins: collagen, elastin, contractile muscle fibres. 2. Synthesis of active enzymatic proteins: biocatalysers; their existence is an essential requirement for living. 3. Synthesis of transport proteins: ferritin, ceruloplasmin, lipoproteins and also albumin, that is also in charge of maintaining the oncotic pressure of blood. 4. Synthesis of immuno-proteins. 5. Synthesis of hormones: insulin, catecholamines 6. Synthesis of functional substances such as the haemo group of haemoglobin. 7. Special chemical functions: Transfer of methyl groups for choline synthesis, and of sulfhydryl groups for detoxification processes, conjugating of glycine and biliary acids for the synthesis of glycolic acids and conjugating for detoxification of benzoic acid, salicylic acid, etc. 8. Calorie source in the metabolism of energy when other energy sources are insufficient, through gluconeogenesis. In order to achieve maximum success in the prevention of protein loss and muscular gain, the composition of amino acid supplements must follow a certain qualitative and quantitative scheme: a) It must contain the eight traditional essential amino acids: Tryptophan, threonine, valine, leucine, isoleucine, lysine, methionine and phenylalaine. b) The two semi-essential amino-acids: histidine and arginine. These are now frequently considered as essential. c) At least two non-essential amino acids: alanine and proline. d) A certain amount of nitrogen contained in the diet, preferably in the form of animal origin protein. Apart from their function as nitrogen suppliers, non-essential amino acids also have a protein metabolism saving effect. They prevent the transformation of essential amino acids into non-essential ones, thus ensuring their maximum use in muscle structure formation. Another fundamental requirement, apart from the qualitative balance described above, is the quantitative distribution of the different amino acids in the formulation to be supplied to the sportsman, i.e., an exact proportion of each one is required in order to guarantee that neither too little nor too much is supplied in any case. Too little or too much would result in a negative nitrogen balance, and the consequence would be that the muscular gain function would not be used to full advantage. The design of AMINOACIDOS – SIMILDIET is based on these two fundamental premises of quantitative and qualitative equilibrium. Its precise composition, and percentage amount per capsule is as follows: L – ISOLEUCINE 19.568 mg 4.80 % L – LEUCINE 27.954 mg 6.90 % L – LYSINE 31.766 mg 7.90 % L – METHIONINE 26.684 mg 6.67 % L – PHENYLALAINE 27.954 mg 6.90 % L – THREONINE 12.706 mg 3.17 % L – TRYPTOPHAN 5.591 mg 1.39 % L – VALINE 19.059 mg 4.76 % L – ARGININE 50.826 mg 12.7 % L – HISTIDINE 12.706 mg 3.17 % L – ALANINE 76.239 mg 19.05 % L – PROLINE 88.945 mg 22.2 % NICOTINAMIDE 0.507 mg 0.12 % PYRIDOXINE 0.380 mg 0.095 % RIBOFLAVIN 0.050 mg 0.012 % As you can see, this is a perfectly balanced mix of pure crystalline amino acids, that fulfils all the prior requirements so that protein metabolism functions perfectly, and muscular fibre is correctly synthesised. But we know that without the presence of the vitamin B group, complete protein synthesis is impossible. Pyridoxine plays a special role in protein metabolism, as a co-enzyme with multiple reactions in structural protein synthesis. For this reason, AMINOACIDOS – SIMILDIET contains sufficient quantities of the most important components in the vitamin B group: riboflavin, nicotinamide and pyridoxine. We must bear in mind that amino acid metabolism forms part of the overall metabolism of our body. Any amino acid complex, albeit perfect, can only produce an optimum effect if there is an equilibrium in water and mineral metabolism. The presence of a carefully proportioned amount of sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphate and chloride in our diet, is an essential requirement if the perspective of muscle gain from the amino acid supplement is to be achieved one hundred percent. A positive balance of potassium is an essential requirement in order to achieve a positive nitrogenated balance. Care must be taken to be certain that our diet meets these needs and consideration should be given as to whether it is necessary to reduce (but not eliminate) sodium intake in the form of salt (ClNa) in our food. Phosphates play a part in almost all metabolic processes that take place in the body in energy transformation. Calcium, in addition to its role in bone formation, represents an important part of many biological processes (transformation of stimuli in the electrofunctional conjugation of the neuromuscular junction, reduction of membrane permeability, blood coagulation and enzyme activation). It is fundamental that during periods of muscle growth, an amino acid supplemented diet should fulfil the premises discussed above. The proportion of the most favourable active principles for a positive response in muscle growth is as follows: 70 - 75 % carbohydrates: pasta, rice, potatoes, starches, pulses, fruit, vegetables, garden produce, etc. 20 – 30 % proteins: fish, poultry, meat, eggs, milk products and protein of plant origin to account for at least half of the total protein content. 10 % fats, at a maximum, and always in the form of polyunsaturated fats (olive oil) and essential fatty acids (evening primrose) If, despite it all, we are concerned that our diet may not be as healthy as we would like it to be, we can use vitamin-mineral supplements that will guarantee a perfect composition of the same. (See BORONAGA preparation in the ANTIOXIDANT chapter). INDICATIONS FOR AMINOACIDOS – SIMILDIET:
MODE OF USE: As a dietary complement, take 1 to 2 capsules three times a day, always taking one dose at night.
An alternative without side effects. An epidemiological study recently effected in Great Britain in a large number of sports centres and gyms, by means of anonymous questionnaires, published in the British Medical Journal, disclosed some terrifying facts: a third of all sportspersons habitually dope themselves with anabolic steroids. Anabolic steroids (composed of a molecular structure that is similar or bears a great resemblance to the male sex hormone) are the most commonly-used doping substances that come up positive in urine analyses at anti-doping tests. The specialised press has been responsible for keeping us up-to-date in the numerous doping scandals at a multitude of sports events at an international scale. The principal effect sought by sportsmen in these products is to increase muscle size and strength. This is what is referred to as the anabolic effect, which consists of an increased synthesis of muscular proteins, principally actin and myosin, that bind the myofibrils, increasing the diameter of muscular fibre. Regardless of the ethical and legal connotations (their use is prohibited in sportsmen because of their doping effect), what cannot be denied is that medically speaking, the use and abuse of anabolic steroids has harmful effects on health, which makes their use totally contraindicated: On the Cardiovascular system: in principle it is very simple: steroids do not discriminate on the type of muscle that is to be developed. Therefore, the heart muscle also grows, ventricular hypertrophy occurs, particularly on the left-side, and this is a direct effect that is observed in steroid abuse. The immediate consequence is raised blood pressure and increased incidence of myocardial infarcts in the steroid user group. On women's genital systems: Hypertrophy of the clitoris and vaginal malformations. Other signs of virilisation may include onset of hirsutism (increased face and body hair, masculine appearance), acne, baldness, and in the event of pregnancy, virilisation of the female foetus. It has the peculiarity that these effects do not usually completely disappear after withdrawing the use of these products. In chronic use, there may be an interruption in ovulation and ovaric secretions. On men's genital systems: In chronic treatment or with the use of massive doses of anabolic steroids, the pituitary secretion of gonadotropins may be inhibited. This effect may cause a lower sperm production due to secondary interruption in testosterone production (azoospermia), with the risk of male sterility. To the contrary, it is known that androgens delay prostate adenoma growth, but they do, however, stimulate the proliferation of pre-existent prostatic neoplasia. Another common side effect is the onset of gynaecomasty (increased size of male mammary glands) with galactorrhoea (lactic secretion). This endogenous suppression of testosterone can be followed by temporary impotence. On the endocrine – metabolic system: At
the pre-puberty stage, anabolic steroids have the effect of uniting
cartilage growth plates and prematurely calcifying the bony epiphysis,
resulting in stunted growth. Other collateral effects: The effect of water and salt retention resulting in the formation of oedema is a direct consequence of the use of anabolic steroids. We should also stress the major precaution to be exercised with interactions with other drugs, principally with Oxyfenbutazone, which leads to a significant increase in the latter's toxicity. With oral anti-coagulants, steroids enhance their effect and haemorrhages may occur. Diabetics treated with oral anti-diabetics or insulin must have their dose carefully adjusted since the intake of anabolic steroids, as mentioned earlier, alters blood glucose levels. On the liver – bile system: The 17 – alkyl derivatives, especially methyls, have revealed significant hepatotoxicity, producing cholestatic jaundice in hepatocytes and bile capillaries. Furthermore, the use of anabolic steroids has also been associated with an increased incidence of liver adenocarcinoma following long courses or very high doses. AN ALTERNATIVE WITHOUT SIDE EFFECTS: The fundamental limiting factor in competitive sportsmen lies in their maximum aerobic potential. There are two fundamental factors that determine the limits of this maximum potential: one, central factors, which principally relate to maximum cardiac performance, and two, peripheral factors, which depend on muscle quality and the capacity of the active striated muscle fibre to capture and use oxygen. These capacities can be modified and increased with a suitable training programme, and have a biochemical equivalence in the correct functioning of the Krebs Cycle mechanisms and of the oxidative phosphorylation that is produced inside the mitochondria. When anaerobic glycolysis occurs, with subsequent lactic acidosis in the cytoplasm of myofibrils, this acidosis can block mitochondrial functioning and in turn block the chain reaction in the Krebs Cycle and in oxidative phosphorylation. We have interpreted this temporary inhibition of mitochondrial enzymatic functions as the parallelism that in homeopathy would correspond to a "musculodermal deposit" phase. SIMILDIET Laboratorios has a Homeopathic Muscular Formulation that contains, on one hand, all the intermediate substances in the Krebs Cycle to stimulate and activate the corresponding enzymatic functions at a mitochondrial level, eliminating the blockages caused when the lactic acidosis phase is entered; and, on the other hand, it is complemented with the homeopathic components that intervene in the correct development of striated muscle tissue (musculus suis), aging and states of exhaustion (testis suis), cellular revitalisation and muscular dystrophy (embryo suis), connective tissue injuries, adynamia, muscle stimulant and defatigant (funiculus umbilicalis suis), regulation of suprarenal glands, adynamia and muscle exhaustion (glandula suprarenalis suis). Composition: Musculus Suis D 4 It is presented in 2 cc ampoules that are injectable (intramuscular, subcutaneous, intradermal or mesotherapic routes) and also can be taken orally. In Spain and the EEC it is known as Homeopathic Muscular Formulation and in other countries it is called MUSCLEBIG ampoules for injection, also valid orally Normal dosage is generally one to three ampoules per week using any of the routes of administration described above. General indications: Sports Medicine:
Aesthetic Medicine:
Observations: As with all injectable and oral homeopathic remedies, dosage and form of administration can be adjusted at any given time according to the expert's criteria. Adverse reactions from overdosage are impossible. There are no contraindications or undesirable side effects. It is compatible with all drugs and does not cause positive doping tests.
Experimental study of the modifications of some anthropometric and dynamometric properties induced by a homeopathic preparation in a group of sportsmen in Bodybuilding training. Introduction: Considering the hypothesis that the limits in sports activity are determined, amongst other factors, by the muscle fibre's capacity to capture and use oxygen; and that this capacity depends on correct functioning of the intra-mytochondrial mechanisms of the Krebs Cycle and of oxidative phosphorylation; we have identified a possible mitochondrial block produced by lactic acidosis in the presence of anaerobic glycolysis, which in homeopathy is referred to as the "musculodermal deposit" phase. In view of this premise, we offer a "deblocking" approach with the contribution of a homeopathic preparation, which is known in Spain as Homeopathic Muscular Formulation, and in other countries as Musclebig, developed by Laboratorios Simildiet. It contains, on one hand, all the intermediate substances in the Krebs Cycle, plus the homeopathic components that intervene in the correct development of striated muscle tissue, aging and states of general exhaustion, connective tissue injuries, regulation of suprarenal gland secretion, adynamia and muscle tissue stimulant. In principle it should stimulate and activate the enzymatic functions at a mitochondrial level and eliminate blocks generated when the anaerobic threshold is exceeded, and it should stimulate glandular functions and favour the development of muscle mass under training. Material and method: We performed a study on a selection of 26 male athletes aged 22 to 37 years, who had been practising bodybuilding for at least 4 years and used very similar training programmes and techniques. The following parameters were determined in all the athletes at the start, at week 6 and week 12 (end of study): - Weight, height and Body Mass Index (BMI) expressed as the ratio between body weight (in kgs) and height (in metres) squared. - Lean Body Mass (LBM) and Body Fat Mass Percentage
(BFM), measured by bioelectric impedance analysis. - “Resistance strength” test, consisting of lifting the maximum weight off the floor 8 times. During the twelve weeks of the study, all the athletes followed a standard 3000 kcal diet, distributed in at least five meals per day. As a dietary supplement, they took 6 capsules per day of AMINOACIDOS – Simildiet divided into three doses of two capsules, and two capsules of BORONAGRA (supplement of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and essential fatty acids) at breakfast and again at lunchtime. The athletes were divided at random into two groups of 16 subjects. The first group was treated over the twelve weeks with an intramuscular injection of Homeopathic Muscular Formulation (Musclebig) on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays each week. The second group did not receive any treatment and was considered as the experiment control group. Results: The first graph shows a statistically significant increase in the average BMI in treated athletes and an appreciable difference in contrast with those who did not receive treatment, in whom the average index not only did not increase but actually dropped slightly. It can also be observed that the averages of lean body mass increased in the treatment group, and that there was a marked reduction in the control group. Likewise, it is observed that the average figures for the percentage of body fat mass fell during the study period, but this fall was much more significant in the treatment group than in the control group. As can be seen in the graphs below, there was a significant increase in the resistance tests in the treated group in comparison with the control group, while in the pure strength test, the differences were minimal, and both groups made similar and parallel progress. We believe that to a certain extent these results support the experimental hypothesis that we were investigating, since it is interesting that the biggest difference is observed in the resistance tests, which require the intervention of lactic glycolytic mechanisms, since there is prolonged duration of effort. To the contrary, the strength test is very short and the mechanism is alactic. Conclusions: It is obviously extremely difficult to draw scientific conclusions in a study with such a small number of athletes, particularly when the subject of the study is a homeopathic product, since in principle the functioning of the intimate action mechanism of the product is no more than pure speculation. Despite this, there is an undeniable fact that lies in the statistically significant differences between the two groups that make up the study, and this leads to the assumption that there must be a change in some energetic or metabolic mechanism to justify these results. It is hard for us to conclude with definitions that may be more of a propagandistic than of a scientific nature, but the tendency towards a maintenance and actual increase of BMI in the treatment group, and, what we believe is more important, the very significant increase in the lean mass in comparison with the control group, may demonstrate an anabolic effect, or increase in muscle synthesis that has occurred in the treated athletes through some unknown mechanism, but it is clearly not a hormonal mechanism. We believe that the response to the resistance tests is of particular interest, in which the differences between the two groups was of such significance. It seems obvious that there is a modulator stimulus in the intermediate links in the Krebs cycle in aerobic activities, in which the correct functioning of the cellular respiratory mechanisms must be the principal factor that limits an athlete's optimum response. We would like to open up the door to its use and further study in sports which predominately involve aerobic exercise, such as marathon runners, long-distance runners, swimmers, cyclists, etc. It is also important to emphasise that as expected in a homeopathic product, we did not find absolutely any side effects or intolerance in any of the treated athletes.
“A large number of sports injuries (estimated between 30 to 50%) are due to overuse, i.e., they occur because the demand exceeds the tolerance level of the anatomical structure involved in repeating an injured mechanism”. The conditions that can cause overloading and stress in the joint cartilage are usually related to joint inconsistencies that affect a small area of contact, or a repetitive overstraining with excessive loading and frequency, or they may be secondary to direct degenerative process on the collagenic component, as in the case of rheumatoid arthritis. Intra-articular injuries usually involve cartilaginous alterations, and therefore action should not only be taken on the injury itself but also on the damaged cartilage. These chondral injuries are caused by changes in the keratan sulphate and chondroitin sulphate, which make up the amorphous cartilage matrix, and are essential in chondral regeneration and in the maintenance of its physical properties. With our sportsmen we work with preparations that stimulate cartilaginous metabolism and strengthen bone-tendon-ligament structures, improving chondrocyte metabolism and inhibiting the catabolic processes, thus improving the mechanical properties of the cartilage. Our aim is to maintain the minimum degree of inflammation in affected joints, and maximum contribution of substances that make up the intercellular substance (collagen), such as the cartilage matrix (Hyaluronic acid, proteoglycans, glycoproteins, collagen and electrolytes), complementing it with high doses of minerals, vitamins and trace elements as co-factors to assimilate their correct integration as required in damaged structures. We use a Phytotherapeutic product designed by Simildiet laboratories, called CONDROVIT – Ca. The composition and properties of its components are: Shark cartilage provides a high content of mucopolysaccharides, chondroitin sulphate A and C. It is a highly potent anti-inflammatory and structures cartilaginous tissue. It also serves to halt the angiogenesis associated with the pathological vascularisation of degenerated cartilage. Hydrolysed Gelatin (rich in hidroxyproline, hydroxylysine and arginine amino acids), plus amino acids L – Phenylalanine and L – Tyrosine, providing the structural and chondrial-protective elements that are required before cartilaginous collagen synthesis can take place. The different salts in the preparation provide the principal minerals that are involved in bone-cartilage regeneration: Iron, Fluoride, Magnesium, Manganese, Selenium and Cobalt. These elements act by playing a structural role in bony mass formation, participating in the synthesis of glycoproteins and glycosaminoglycans in the fundamental cartilage substance, and also as potent antioxidants, protecting against oxidative damage in inflammatory processes. The multi-vitamin composition is multi-purpose: first, it maintains and produces the collagen and chondroitin sulphate, involving Vit. C and Beta carotenes, and it also has a high antioxidant potency through the presence of Vit. E. The Vit. D is essential in the small intestine absorption mechanism of Ca and Mg in the diet. It corrects phosphate-calcium imbalances, thus regulating ossification. The Vitamin B group is essential as co-enzymes in protein metabolism, and is required in wound healing processes. It is also necessary for proper functioning of the nervous system. The trace elements Copper – Gold – Silver are always indicated in immune system dysfunctions and in inflammatory and oedematous processes. Citric acid acts as an acidificant, facilitating intestinal absorption of calcium and amino acids. Condrovit – Ca is a product that is designed as long-term treatment to prevent injury from joint wear, and to strengthen joints during training programmes and competitions. It should be taken continuously whenever joints are under strain. Normal dosage is one to three chewable tablets per day. It does not have any contraindications or undesirable side effects. It does not cause positive doping tests.
A frequent problem for elite and amateur sportsmen is the need to reduce weight for a certain period of time (generally prior to a competition), or permanently, in order to attain certain health and aesthetic conditions to suit the person who practices sport and who uses the same to attain this objective. In professional or elite sports, problems do not usually arise because there is normally a medical team with nutrition experts that work with a physical trainer who co-ordinate their approaches in order to achieve an optimum outcome without detriment to the sportsman's performance. The true complications arise in the majority of cases in sportsmen who go on strict diets on their own and at their own risk, without sufficient knowledge of nutrition, and, what is more dangerous, if poorly advised, they may try products that actually damage their health, containing a long list of contraindications, not just reducing sporting performance and quality, but also seriously damaging their metabolism and will probably be brought to light in anti-doping tests at sporting events. Extreme diets, that only focus on reducing calorie intake, without an effective training programme to conserve muscle mass, is an all too common mistake, and the only consequence is a weight loss of up to 25%, to the detriment of muscle mass, with the punishment that this implies in sports performance. We will not digress into the taking of anorexigenics (amphetamines, serotoninergics, etc) since we all know of the undesirable effects that they possess and that they can lead to tolerance. They are literally prohibited in sports, and are one of the most carefully controlled drugs in doping tests. Another serious error is to resort to the use of hormones or thyroid derivatives in order to artificially increase basal metabolism when on a calorie-controlled diet. The most modern investigations into our thermogenic metabolism have pinpointed a series of substances as protagonists in its regulation: Leptin, UCPs (uncoupling proteins) and the capacity to activate the Beta-2 adrenergic receptors in fat cell membranes. Leptin is one of the principal activators of UCP, and its principal action is to suppress the appetite. We know that our muscles contain a large amount of UCP, which explains the importance of UCPs in the regulation of up to 40% of thermogenesis, and also, therefore, in basal metabolism. It is possible that the thyroid hormones are one of the many UCP activators, but it has also been demonstrated that there is no relation between a reduced basal metabolic rate and a low calorie diet and low thyroid hormone levels. An increase in the thyroid hormone from overdosage may be 50% responsible for the increase in fat consumption due to increased calorie burning; but the other 50% is due to amino acids, and therefore muscle mass, which does not discriminate on muscle type (striated muscle, heart muscle, etc.), which leads to devastating effects on the loss of sports performance quality in the athlete, and the possibility or even probability of causing a thyroid block from the rebound effect, or secondary hypothyroidism. Our therapeutic action is focused on reducing body fat mass, conserving muscle mass in its totality, or even increasing it, if possible. This action is based on the activation of the UCPs that are responsible for thermogenic increase by means of techniques that we know are positive, such as: a correct training programme for increasing muscle strength, essential fatty acid supplements (BORONAGRA), eating immediately after exercise, and, of course, supplementing the sportsman's diet with Phytocompounds that will help make dieting less unpleasant. We usually use a product designed by laboratorios Simildiet, called ADELPLUS. It has the following composition: Spirulina. Glycomannan. Carboxymethylcellulose. L-Carnitine. Coenzyme Q-10. Pineapple heart. Phaeophites Algae and Magnesium Stearate. Its principal actions can be summarised as follows: It satiates the appetite, normalises bowel opening rate, has a slight central anorexic action, reduces intestinal sugar absorption, absorbs Cholesterol, Triglycerides and Lipids as they pass through the intestine, and is Anti-oedematous and Thermogenic. It is a totally inoffensive product for the sportsman, there are no contraindications or side effects. It does not cause positive doping tests. We advise taking two or three tablets in the morning and in the evening, always accompanied with plenty of liquid. For a direct lipolytic action that works specifically on fat and directly on the Beta-2 adipocyte membrane receptors, along the intracellular lipolytic cascade, we use a homeopathic formulation with the following composition and points of actions: Graphites D-10, D-30, D-200 / Levotyroxin D-12 / Fucus Vesiculosus D-6 / Adenosin - 5´- triphosphate dinatrium salt (ATP) D-8 / 3´, 5´- Adenosinmono - hydrogenphosphate (AMP-c) D-6 / Acid 3,5,3´, triiodothyroacetic D-6, D-8. Fucus, Graphites and Levothyroxine act directly on the Beta-2 membrane receptors, stimulating the cathcholamines that increase the level of adenyl-cyclases that are responsible for the increase of intra-adipocyte ATP (this increase is also induced by the formulation itself), that is transformed into cyclic AMP, which is the real driving force behind lipolysis (which is also induced by the homeopathic formulation itself). We know that AMP – c is highly unstable, and as soon as it is created it is deactivated by the enzymatic action of the phosphodiesterases. In the formulation we provide Acid 3, 5´, 3´, homeopathic triiodothyroacetic that blocks the phosphodiesterases, increasing the available amount of AMP – c, which increases the formation of protein kinases that activate the triglyceride – lipase enzymes, that are the true "destroyers" of the triglycerides in fatty acids, monoglycerides and glycerol that are the end metabolites of fat combustion and are eliminated in the urine. The triglyceride – lipases are also highly unstable and require the provision of large amounts of ATP in order to maintain their activity and not be deactivated. This provision is compensated for by the training input that we provide in our homeopathic formulation. As you can see, we act on the most important links in the chain of reactions that lead to intra-adipocyte lipolysis, supporting energy consuming systems, and preventing deterioration of the same. The formulation is designed by laboratorios Simildiet. It is presented in 2 cc ampoules for oral or injectable administration, and can be given via the mesotherapic route if specific action is required on localised body fat accumulation. In Spain and the EEC it is called Homeopathic Obesity Formulation and in other countries it is called METABOLITES. The dosage varies greatly, but we could recommend taking one ampoule dissolved in a little water, on an empty stomach, two or three times per week. And if a parenteral route is used (intramuscular or mesotherapeutic), one or two ampoules per week is usually sufficient. As with all homeopathic products, adverse reactions, intolerance and unpleasant side effects are impossible. There are no contraindications and it is compatible with all drugs. It does not cause positive doping tests.
Iron functions are derived from its special electronic structure. It participates in oxide-reduction reactions and in transporting oxygen to tissues in order to maintain cell respiration. Haemoglobin takes up oxygen from the lungs and passes it to the tissues, where it is used to oxidise substrates and obtain energy. It is well known that physical exercise leads to haematological adaptations and modifications in the sportsman. Numerous studies have demonstrated that the levels of erythrocytes, haematocrit (Ht) and Haemoglobin (Hb) fall in male and female athletes. These average values are more marked in aerobic athletes and within this group, the lowest value are found in the group of marathon runners. However, while in men the fall in these values is progressive, in female athletes it has been demonstrated that the fall is much more notable, particularly in mid-endurance athletes. These percentage differences between men and women in all haematological parameters related to oxygen transport, in addition to menstrual blood loss, indicate that male athletes possess a better haematopoietic response, and this is possibly due to hormonal factors (testosterone, erythropoietin, etc.) It can be deduced from the large number of studies available, that there is a higher incidence of haemolytic processes, iron loss, and megaloblastic anaemia in the female sports population. Many studies have indicated that resistance training leads to a lower level of erythrocytes in the blood circulation, fundamentally due to iron deficiency, but also due to increased intravascular haemolysis. This may explain the high levels of bilirubin in the blood of persons who practice endurance sports. When the erythrocytes break down, the haemoglobin splits into its two components: the protein group of the globin and the haemo group, from which the iron component is reused, and the rest of the haemo is metabolised as biliverdin and then bilirubin. The most important factors in haemolysis that affect sportsmen can be summarised as follows:
The conclusion that low iron levels in sportsmen's body will endanger their maximum performance is a well-known fact, and this is why we must continually monitor athletes' blood levels, to ensure that they receive an appropriate and preventive provision in their diet or in supplements in order to guarantee normal levels, and in short, a maximum level of oxygenation in muscle structures. But to achieve a normal haematopoietic response, it is not sufficient to simply provide an iron supplement. The iron must be accompanied by vitamin co-factors to assimilate the iron. These are fundamentally vitamin B-12 and folic acid, because deficiency of these vitamins (B-12 and folic acid) combined with the sports activity itself, lead to fragility of the erythrocyte membrane. In view of the above premises, we always use a phytocompound called BHIOERBA – 2 – FF. It is presented in syrup form and its composition is as follows: Ferrous lactate. Extracts of Hibiscus, Alfalfa, Rosehip. Concentrates of Beetroot, Currants, Alhova, Vitamins E, B-1, B-2, B-6, B-12, C, Para amino benzoic acid, Provitamin A and Folic Acid. Its major advantages include fast and total assimilation by the body (iron + assimilation co-factors) and minimum loss through faeces. It is tolerated perfectly by the gastrointestinal tract and is a highly potent general restorer, defatigant and anti-asthenic. It translates immediately into improved sports performance. We usually recommended taking one spoonful (10 cc) per day in water or fruit juice. It is not necessary to take the product for a long period of time, since iron levels pick up very quickly, thus permitting alternate periods without taking the product. It does not have any contraindications or side effects. It is tolerated perfectly and it does not cause positive doping tests.
MUSCLE DEFINITION AND ANTI-OEDEMAS At certain stages when preparing for competitions, athletes often suffer the phenomenon of oedema. "Water retention" is very common in sportswomen because of hormonal circumstances, during ovulation and in premenstrual periods. In some sports, such as bodybuilding and others that require heightened muscle definition, or in dietary conditions that lead to oedema and weight gain due to water retention in interstitial or lymphatic space, a problem arises regarding the evacuation of retained fluids, in order to enhance the correct functioning of lymphatic drainage. In some cases people mistakenly recur to the use of diuretics in order to increase kidney load and thus eliminate liquids, leading to subsequent problems of hypotension and electrolyte imbalances that considerably bring down sports performance. And this does not even solve the problem, because it is not really kidney insufficiency that causes the oedema, but a disequilibrium in the arterial-venous-lymphatic network in peripheral microcirculation. The lymphatic system is responsible for maintaining the circulation of liquids between the different body organs. The arterial-venous-lymphatic system maintains the equilibrium between nutritive intake and the evacuation of toxic cellular metabolic products. Correct evacuation of waste products would lead to improved vital tissue conditions. When these circumstances arise, and it is necessary to steal liquids from the interstitial space and transfer them to intravascular space, we use phytotherapeutic active principles that act directly on vascular territory, increasing renal arterial flow, but not straining the renal system artificially. We simply increase the amount of liquid that filters through the kidneys, and this way we do not cause electrolyte imbalances, or give rise to osmotic phenomena that may have undesirable indirect effects: BLACKCURRANT: Very rich in flavonoids and anthocyanosides. Highly potent Anti-inflammatory as it inhibits histamine release and stimulates catecholamine secretion. Excellent vascular protector, increasing capillary resistance, controlling vessel permeability and improving peripheral microcirculation. It has diuretic and purification properties. Antihypertensive and anti-oedematous. MAPLE SYRUP: This is a classic in body purification and detoxification treatments. Very rich in Iron, Manganese, Zinc, Calcium, Magnesium and Potassium. PINEAPPLE CONCENTRATE: For complete enzyme therapy, with a high level of Bromelain and Papain. Highly potent fibrinolytic, antioedematous and anti-inflammatory properties. Degrades plasma proteins in the interstitial space, reducing exudate viscosity, thus permitting re-channelling of obstructed lymphatic vessels, facilitating tissue liquid drainage and its elimination through the blood and lymph systems. Oedema caused by the presence of extravascular proteins and fibrin deposits is absorbed more quickly. ORTOSIPHON : Potent diuretic as a result of the action of the saponins and potassium that it contains. It activates the elimination of chlorides and nitrogenated catabolites. RUSCUS : Significant venotonic action as a result of its saponins. It is diuretic, anti-oedematous and protects capillaries through its flavonoids. Strong lymphokinetic effect, adjusting lymphangion contraction, and increasing lymphatic deficit. Decreases capillary permeability and activates venous blood return. MELILOTI : Rich in flavonoids which are responsible for its vasoprotective, diuretic and spasmolytic properties. Contains a precursor of Cumarine with Vitamin K effects; it is venotonic and activates the lymphatic system. Anticoagulant. ARENARIA : It contains flavonoids and anthocyanosides, and abundant potassium salts. It is used for its diuretic, anti-oedematous and uricosuric properties. SARSAPARRILLA : Its active principles include Saponins and Phytosols, Colina and abundant potassium salts. It has diuretic, purifying and diaphoretic action. It is uricosuric and chloruric. BIRCH : Flavonoids ( myricitroside hyperoside ), Betulinol and Saponins and Tannins. It has diuretic, uricosuric and hypocholesterolaemic properties. It is anti-oedematous and anti-inflammatory. It is a classic in anti-cellulite treatments. CHERRY STALKS: Rich in Polyphenols, Acetylsalicylic Acid, Flavonoids, Tannins and potassium salts. It has diuretic, analgesic and antipyretic properties. It is used as a concomitant diuretic – anti-oedematous in hypertension. ASH TREE: With Rutoxides, Fraxoside, Tannins and Manitol. It is diuretic and anti-inflammatory. Vasoprotective and venotonic. It is a classic drainage – purifier, and is used in severe oedema and oliguria. BURDOCK : Its active principles, polyenes, tannins and phytohaemogglutinin provide its general purifier properties: diuretic, choleretic, astringent and wound healing. Antibacterial and antifungal. HORSETAIL: Very rich in mineral salts such as Silica, Saponosides (Equisetonin ) and Flavonoids (Isoquercytoside and Kaempferol Glycoside). It is used because of its diuretic and mineral-replenishing properties. It is haemostatic and aids wound healing. It increases connective tissue resistance. We recommend a product made by laboratorios Simildiet called BHIOERBA – 3 – LD. It is the first product to bring together the three key points of action to fight oedema: lymphokinetic action, increasing lymphatic deficit; increased tissue fibronolysis and proteolysis through macrophage action; and it activates peripheral venous return and increases general vascular protection. This results in a strong diuretic action, thus ensuring correct elimination of liquids proceeding from the oedematous area. We normally prescribe a dose of 10 cc (one large spoonful) on its own or mixed in water or fruit juice, three or four times a day. It does not have any contraindications, incompatibilities or side effects. It does not cause positive doping tests and can be used sporadically during ovulation or premenstrual periods in order to prevent characteristic oedema, for healing through drainage, for weight loss and for muscle definition.
We know that there are many factors involved in so-called muscle fatigue (electrolyte imbalance, mineral homeostatic imbalance, alterations in the functional state of the immune system, etc.) and above all the accumulation of metabolites that are produced from sports stress (lactic acid, hydrogen ions and ammonium). Sports stress implies pushing the following to their limit: organic alert functions, synthesis of energy and plastic matter, and, of course, purification and cleaning mechanisms of all the metabolites produced in this functional and continuous overloading to which the whole body is subjected when it is prepared for competition. The liver is the principal organ that is involved in maintaining internal homeostasis. Its normal functions include protein synthesis, maintenance of glycogenic reserves at the expense of lactic acid that is produced in muscles, enzyme synthesis, vitamin reservoir, etc., etc., and above all, detoxification of increased levels of metabolites that are inherent to sports. However, in a body that is subjected to constant and maximum discipline, these normal functions are not only fundamental: if for any reason they lose their efficacy, they will seriously lower the sportsman's performance. We must ensure that liver functions are maintained correctly and also prevent imbalances that will bring down the athlete's performance quality. We act in phases prior to training for top level competitions, and above all in the period immediate afterwards, which is when athletes must enter a "functional recovery" interval when we must try to achieve maximum purification capacity of the metabolic waste produced during the maximum performance in competitive periods. In these periods we must ensure maximum liver purification capacity, by providing the sportsman with the active principles offered by modern Phytotherapy, in perfectly justified proportions: BLACKCURRANT ( RIBES NIGRUM ) ARTICHOKE (CYNARA SCOLYMUS) BLACK RADISH ( RAPHANUS NIGER ) MILK THISTLE ( SILYBUM MARIANUM ). BLESSED THISTLE (CNICUS BENEDICTUS). FENNEL (FOENICULUM VULGARE) MINT ( MENTHA PIPERITA ). SAGE (SALVIA OFFICINALIS). As a rule we use a phytotherapeutic compound called BHIOERBA – 1 – HB, designed by laboratorios Simildiet. Presented in syrup form, we generally prescribe a dose of 10 cc (one large spoonful) after the three main meals in the day. Dosage is variable, of course, and may be increased at the expert's criteria without posing any problem for the sportsman. It has no anti-cholinergic effects and does not cause drowsiness. Tolerance has been excellent at much higher doses than those recommended. It is a totally harmless product that does not have any side effects or contraindications. It does not cause positive doping tests and is compatible with all other drugs and dietary supplements.
MUSCLE FATIGUE, INFLAMMATION, ACCIDENTS, INJURIES AND TRAUMA. It is clear that in a sportsman's life, the fight against inflammatory processes and conditions that affect sports performance is a constant fight that is staged by trainers and technicians, in order to relieve symptoms promptly and to immediately recover functionality in the sports activity, with maximum performance. When processes involved in muscular and organic adaptation to the on-going demands of maximum physical performance, are deficient, chronic fatigue syndrome occurs, characterised by loss of strength, muscular hyperexcitability, alterations in metabolism, electrolyte balance and neuroendocrines, that have a significant effect on physical and mental stress, particularly affecting muscles and characterised by inflammation and progressive tissue damage that becomes more and more noticeable as fatigue evolves. When faced with an osteo-articular pathology of any type (caused by trauma, metabolism, degeneration, etc.), it is important to treat the fundamental symptom, PAIN, but equally important to solve all the accompanying pathologies: OEDEMA, INFLAMMATION, CONTRACTURES and FUNCTIONAL IMPOTENCY, providing a complete therapeutic response to guarantee correct functioning of the affected joint as soon as possible. As we are aware that the traditional treatments based on non-Steroid anti-inflammatories, analgesics and corticoids, are simply palliative, and result in the patient getting "accustomed" to the drug, thus leading to progressive dose increases, and inevitable and severe iatrogeny, laboratorios Simildiet have designed a complex treatment based on complementation and synergy, as provided by modern-day Phytotherapy and Oligotherapy. The preparation is called CONDRORAL, and its complex composition and properties are defined below: HARPAGOPHYTUM: Los aglycones in its glycosides, Harpagoside, Harpagid and Procumbin give it its analgesic, anti-inflammatory and spasmolytic properties. Its Beta-sitosterols inhibit the formation of prostaglandin-synthetase that plays a part in the inflammatory process. WILLOW: Its salycilates and Salicin give it its anti-pyretic, analgesic, anti-inflammatory and anti-spasmodic properties. It acts as a mild sedative on the Nervous System. ULMARIA: It contains Salicylic Aldehyde, Methyl Salicylate, Heliotropin and flavonic derivatives such as Spireoside, which has antioedematous and anti-inflammatory properties. It favours the elimination of uric acid. BIRCH: Its principal flavonoid, quercetin-3-galactoside and betulic hyperoside give it its antioedematous and uricosuric properties. It is used in gout arthropathy treatments. ASH: Very rich in cachectic and galic tannins and flavonic pigments, and rutosides in particular that make it very indicated as an antioedematous, uricosuric and antialgic. It is attributed Vitamin P action (capillary protector and increased resistance to capillary fragility). PINE: Its essential oil based on pinene, borneol, bornyle acetate and cadinine gives it its antioedematous, uricosuric and anti-gout properties. ORTOSIPHON: It has a fundamentally antioedematous and spasmolytic action, and helps to eliminate urates and chlorates. It is very rich in potassium, tannins, saponins and tripertenic alcohols (ortosiphonol, alpha and beta-amirine), that give it its properties. JUNIPER: It consists mainly of terpenes (pinene, camphene, cadinine, sabinene, cineol etc.), it has a major antioedematous and anti-inflammatory power. GINGER: Its gingerdiones and dehydrogingerdiones have an inhibitive effect on prostaglandin synthesis. Its oleoresins give it its anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antipyretic properties. PASSIFLORA: Its active principles, alkaloids (harmane, harmine and harmol), and flavonic derivatives act at low doses as sedatives and muscle relaxants, and muscle decontracturants. It is fundamental as a concomitant product in trauma and rheumatic pathologies in which there is severe muscle contracture. BLACKCURRANT: The anthocyanosides and flavonoids that it contains are anti-inflammatory, antioedematous and uricosuric. Vascular protector. Antiradicalar. ALOE VERA: It has an immuno-stimulant, anti-inflammatory and wound healing action because of its mucilages. Its anthraquinones produce a regression in Complement C activity. BLACK RADISH: Antioedematous, antibacterian and antiviral (sulphurated compounds), liver protector and excellent “purifier ” in general for the body. TRACE ELEMENTS: FLUORIDE: Its field of action covers the whole osteo-ligament and cartilage system. It is essential for property calcium metabolism. PHOSPHORUS: Essential, together with calcium, in hydroxyapatite crystal formation in bone structure. IODINE: Modulates speed of reaction of enzymatic systems. It acts on neuromuscular functioning. SULPHUR: It forms part of the complex polysaccharide structures in cartilage. It acts in protein protection systems against oxidant agents. MANGANESE: It participates in glycoprotein formation and other connective and cartilagous tissue polymers. MAGNESIUM: Essential for calcium metabolism control on the part of the parathyroid hormone and dihydroxycholecalciferol. It plays a part in bone synthesis control. POTASSIUM: Essential for the storage of nitrogen for muscular protein. It regulates nervous system functioning and prevents oedema. COPPER-GOLD-SILVER: Classic immuno-modulator in treatments with trace elements in suspected cases of dysfunction or inappropriate and insufficient immune system response. COBALT: It is the principal sympathetic-co-regulator in oligotherapy. It is a vascular antispasmodic. ZINC: It regulates hypophysial and gonadotropic functions. It accelerates wound healing processes and regeneration of damaged tissues. VITAMINS B-1, B-6, B-12. These vitamins have an anti-neuritic activity and are co-factors in the assimilation and conjugation of amino acids and structural proteins. VITAMIN A: It acts in the maintenance of membranes and bone development. VITAMIN C: It participates in collagen synthesis. It is an antiradicular and antioxidant protector. VITAMIN E: Antioxidant, and protects against free radicals. D L – PHENYLALANINE: This amino acid is a precursor of endorphins, which are analgesic agents produced by the body and are responsible for alleviating pain of any origin. Its method of use depends on the severity and intensity of the process, and should be prescribed at the expert's criteria. We can recommended taking one or two vials on their own or dissolved in water or fruit juice. It does not have any contraindications or undesirable side effects. It is perfectly tolerated and digested and does not cause positive doping tests. If we consider that a fundamental aspect in the majority of actions on sports injuries is an effect with fast action (reducing the need to rest, in turn leading to increased performance), maximum efficacy possible in medical treatment (without reducing sports performance) and, of course, maximum safety in treatment used (no allergies, intolerance or side effects), and total reliability of use (many NSAIDS, analgesics and anaesthetics are considered as doping), we must have a major therapeutic store to hand in order to be able to take immediate action in the multiple pathologies that affect athletes and sportsmen, in order to fulfil all the above requirements in safety, efficiency, fast action and lack of side effects. Under these premises Laboratorios Simildiet has designed a homeopathic product called CONDRODISTROFIN that brings together analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antioedematous, decontracturant and antiecchymotic properties, which makes it the treatment of choice in the majority of trauma processes that arise in day-to-day sports. In addition, the possibility of immediate action (it can often be administrated on the sports field itself, immediately after bruising, sprains or contractures occur), together with the possibility of repeating administration as required without any additional problems, and the fact that it can be used orally, mesotherapeutically (in the zone in which the injury has occurred), intradermically, intramuscularly or even intra-articularly, without any side effects, it can be seen that its possibility are endless. Its homeopathic composition is as follows: CONDRODISTROFIN is presented in 2 cc ampoules, and can be administrated orally or parentally, permitting immediate action in the affected zone by using mesotherapeutic technique, or intramuscular or intra-articular injection. Its dosage depends on the severity and intensity of the injury. As with all homeopathic products, it does not cause any type of intolerance, side effects, overdosage risks or contraindications. It does not cause positive doping tests.